“Come Rain or Come Shine” Weather Wednesdays

Every Wednesday I will pick some original weather-related titles and list a few covers. I will try and follow the most covered songs of all time list and pluck out the applicable titles, after “Over the Rainbow” next on that list is the 81st most covered song of all time, “Come Rain or Come Shine”.

“Come Rain or Come Shine”, Tommy Dorsey and His Orchestra – Vocal Refrain by Sy Oliver (1946).

I’m gonna love you like nobody’s loved you
Come rain or come shine
High as a mountain, deep as a river
Come rain or come shine
I guess when you met me
It was just one of those things
But don’t ever bet me
‘Cause I’m gonna be true if you let me
You’re gonna love me like nobody’s loved me
Come rain or come shine
We’ll be happy together, unhappy together
Now won’t that be fine?
The days may be cloudy or sunny
We’re in or we’re out of the money
But I’m with you always
I’m with you rain or shine
I’m with you always
I’m with you rain or shine
You’re gonna love me like nobody’s loved me
Come rain or come shine
Happy together, unhappy together
Now won’t that be fine?
The days may be cloudy or sunny
We’re in or we’re out of the money
But I’m with you always
I’m with you rain or shine
But I’m with you always
I’m with you rain or shine

In this song, we have the “cloudy or sunny” related metaphors in addition to the “rain or shine” words from the title. It has become another way to say I will be with you, no matter what.

The song was written by Harold Arlen and Johnny Mercer. You may recall that “Over the Rainbow” was also co-written by Arlen. It was for the Broadway play St. Louis Woman. During the relatively short run the version by Margaret Whiting with arrangement by Paul Weston and His Orchestra reached #17 and then recordings by Helen Forrest and Dick Haymes were modest hits as well. All in 1946. The music is much more well remembered than the play, not unusual but in this case 113 performances is not a very successful run for Broadway.

In 1956 we see yet another connection, the song was recorded by Judy Garland with Orchestra conducted by Nelson Riddle.

For a song that was, as I said a modest hit, it is quite remarkable that it has become an American Standard. However, as I mentioned it was written by two of the greatest writers, Harold Arlen and Johnny Mercer who each have many songs that have become Standards. The message of the lyrics contains those timeless qualities that obviously resonate in order to have so many artists want to put it on a record. And for so many to want to listen.

There are currently 772 versions, and for ‘American Standards’ while it’s not in the Top 10, that’s an impressive number just the same. The list of names is incredible, Sarah Vaugh, Patti Page, Billie Holliday, Frank Sinatra, Perry Como, and Ray Charles. It may be easier to come up with a list of superstars that did not record it.

I will leave with you this version from 2012 by Bob Dylan.

10 thoughts on ““Come Rain or Come Shine” Weather Wednesdays

  1. Whoa, 772 versions! Great song. Incidentally, I’ve been having a lot of Nelson Riddle popping up in various feeds lately. He sure got a lot of music out the door! His version of this with Garland made me remember the song. The “Flintstones” percussion in the background is something else!


  2. I didn’t know “Come Rain Or Come Shine.” The song does have a classic feel to it. That said, 772 versions is a huge number. While I’m of course not doubting that Bob Dylan is a great artist, his vocal performance has varied over the decades. In this case, his voice sounds unexpectedly good to me.

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      • Soon to put up an update. It’s time to step back from posting for a wee bit, I noticed with winter comes a touch of burnout. Bleak cold days tend to bum me out so I just pull back a little in the early months. Don’t think they’ll let me back into Canada with that attitude!

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      • We’ve gotten pretty lax since you left, a postage stamp on your forehead with the Queen on it should get you in. Don’t mention rugby and you’ll be fine, we’re a bit sensitive about our men’s team, the ladies on the other hand…


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