Firefighters – That Thing You Do Thursdays

“The Firefighter Song” Written and performed by Firefighter and country artist, Paul Cummings.
Judy Collins with “Kingdom Come” from 2013.

I had jotted down several occupations to talk about in this series, first responders among them. Police songs I plan on getting to, and there are several not so complementary that I will obviously avoid. I was not hopeful for a Paramedics song. And truth be told I could not think of a song about Firefighters! I found the two above and no cover versions. I thought surely there must be more?

I turned to the Microsoft AI bot Copilot. The AI said this for “The Fireman’s Prayer” by Dennis Beyer – A heartfelt expression of the commitment and bravery of firefighters. Yes it is just that. However most of the other results leave much to be desired, so I have a post on that search experience.

“The Fireman’s Prayer”

A search on YouTube was more fruitful but garnered many ‘homemade’ projects, some are quite good but again very limited for songs by recording artists.

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