Mondegreen Mondays – Led Zeppelin

The iconic band has more than it’s fair share of misheard lyrics, you may have your own and please share in the comments section. Here are just a few.

“Whole Lotta Love” has several lines that we have mistaken.

Right off the bat we have “You need… coolant”, or “Kool-aid”, “cool air” or even “fool-aid”

I have also read “Baby, you need schoolin’, and I’m not foolin'”

The correct line is; “Baby, you need coolin’, and I’m not foolin'”

“Stairway to Heaven” has one long list of misheard lyrics so I will just give a couple.

“And as we wind on down the road” has a couple funny ones; “And there’s a rhino down the road” and “And there’s a wino down the road”

“And she’s buying a stairway to Heaven” has been mistaken for “And she climbing a stairway to Heaven”

“All My Love” this is the title but also the line has been mistaken for “Allah my Love”.

For the real words “Yours is the cloth, mine is the hand that sews time” some have heard “Yours is the clock, mine are the hands that serve time.

We all have some good ones for Zep, no bout a doubt it!

For more on music you can check out Lines by Leon.

33 thoughts on “Mondegreen Mondays – Led Zeppelin

  1. These are all great. I really love “rhino down the road” – I guess I could see that. The “Kool-aid” in Whole Lotta Love is funny as well, though less obvious to me. I could hear more “You need… coolant.”

    Anyway, another entertaining post in what is a series with a great topic! 🙂


  2. I thought it was schoolin’ lol… yea he is not very clear. I would put Mick and Elton in the lead of misheard lyrics but Plant had his share.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Someone was drinking something! So interesting you should say that I was thinking about Willie yesterday, I even wore my Blues Foundation/Chess Records Tshirt!


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