“Always on My Mind” – Grammy Covers

“Always on My Mind” by Willie Nelson.

“Always on My Mind” was the Song of the Year in 1983. The song was first recorded by Brenda Lee in 1972, but Gwen McCrae was the first to release it, then Elvis covered it and had a big hit with it. Ten years later the iconic Willie Nelson gave it a a new voice and it was a smash #1 hit song. Willie took home the Grammy Award for Best Country Song as well.

Written by the team of Johnny Christopher, Wayne Carson and Mark James the song had some great pedigree. Christopher wrote songs for Elvis Presley, Carson wrote “The Letter” and “Soul Deep” for the Box Tops and James wrote “Suspicious Minds” and “Hooked on a Feeling”.

“Always on My Mind” was the only Grammy winner for all three songwriters and there are over 400 recordings of the song.

Gwen McCrae does an amazing job on her rendition. Released as a single it did not chart nor appear on her subsequent albums. She had a #1 R&B hit with “Rockin’ Chair” in 1975 that reached #9 on the Hot 100.

12 thoughts on ““Always on My Mind” – Grammy Covers

  1. I think Willie is a fantastic (just posted one of his the other day) but have never been fond of his recording of this song. I do like Gwen’s though, seems written more for a voice like hers. The instrumentation and vocal harmonies are lovely. Such depth! Thanks for highlighting it!

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  2. Another song that has a timeless classic quality to it. I first knew it because of Elvis. Since he was my childhood idol (before I got into The Beatles), of course, I loved it!

    I had never heard Gwen McCrae’s beautiful rendition, and I’m glad you introduced me to it – sorry, Elvis!

    With all that said, my favorite by far is Willie Nelson’s version, even though it occasionally borders on crooning. But to me his vocals are just incredible and perfectly fit the song.

    It’s mind-boggling Willie, who recently turned 91, is still active – not only that, he’s touring! Check out that busy schedule: https://willienelson.com/pages/tour


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  3. I like Willie’s version best, but it is one of those classic songs that lends itself to so many styles. Can’t say I liked Elvis’ s take on it but you even the King strikes out once in a while.

    Now I’m off to check out more on Wayne Carson- as a fan of the Box Tops hearing he wrote ‘The Letter’ piqued my interest here, and ‘Neon Rainbow’ is a song I’ve loved since the first few notes.

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